Simply Yourself, LLC

Get Unstuck by Creating a Self-care Routine

Health Coaching

Get Unstuck by Creating a Self-care Routine

One way to get unstuck is to develop a daily self-care routine that focuses on three things: having a sound mind, healthy body, and a peaceful soul.  If you want to get unstuck, set aside 30 minutes to one hour a day to focus on you.  Start by creating a list of 3 things.  One item that focuses on the mind, another item for the body and finally one for the soul.

Sound Mind

To have a sound mind, you must learn how to quiet the mind. Quieting the mind can help to reduce anxiety and stress in your life.  It is important to set aside time for yourself to clear your mind from work, family, and friends. Take out 10-20 minutes a day to quiet your mind. The following are a few examples to help you to reduce unnecessary stress in your life.

  • Listen to and repeat positive affirmations every day.
  • Read or listen to a motivational book.
  • Listen to positive and uplifting music.
  • Create a journal with a list of things that you are grateful for.
Healthy Body

It is important to quiet the mind and it is equally important to have a healthy body.  Developing and maintaining a healthy body involves exercise, rest, and a good diet.  Some ways you can take care and have a healthy body is to develop a routine of healthy habits.  The following are a few examples to get started.

  • Move your body everyday by taking a walk, jogging, doing stretching or exercising online.
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time vs. staying up late at night.
  • Develop a skincare routine to look and feel better about yourself.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole foods.
Peaceful Soul

Bringing it all together. How we care for our souls affects how we care for our minds which affects how we care for our bodies. Caring for the soul means eliminating negative energy from our life and nurturing it with positive energy. You can nurture your soul by:

  • Being kind to yourself and eliminate negative self-talk.
  • Set aside time to pray and/or meditate.
  • Turn off the computer, TV, and phone.
  • Do something kind or say something uplifting to someone everyday.

Take a few of these examples to create a daily self-care routine and you will begin to build healthy habits for your mind, body and soul.  In a few weeks, you will find yourself becoming unstuck and feeling happier and healthier!

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